Tuesday 4 November 2008

Rappers Ambition

Costumes- The costumes that are worn in the trailer, mainly consists of casual, everyday clothes . The costumes that the actors wear, have not really been concentrated on, as the outfits are clothes we wear and see in out daily lives. However, most actors in the trailer are wearing hoodies and big, heavy jackets, this automatically sets the scene and we know what kind of an audience the trailer is aimed at.

Lighting- The lighting in the trailer is mainly dark, this is done to create suspense and build up tension. As a result, the audience knows that there is more to the story and makes them want to watch the actual film. However, at times the lighting is bright to show the characters face and expression.

Actors- The actors in the trailer fit the characters role very well, this is because the acting looks fairly professional and real. At certain times, were the actors expressions should have been plain and serious, were featured in the trailer quiet effectively. But, through out the whole trailer, they were some scenes that could have been re-shot, due to the acting. But overall it was fairly good acting.

Make-Up- In this type of a film or trailer there is no make up used. However, there were not many scenes that needed any use of make up anyway.

Props- In the Trailer, a small number of props are used, mainly microphones and equipment used to record or produce music. As a result the audience has an insight as to what is going to be featured and shown in the production, also what the the actual film is about.

Setting- The setting of the trailer consists of normal streets, roads and alleys, however some scenes are shot in a recoding studio and on a train. This is done to show the audience what features in the film and to create pace.

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